
Thoughts and musings of a mom of three.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Done and Done

The move went off without a hitch...

Oh, who am I kidding? True, it went as well as I expected. Later than expected, but all in all, not to bad.

It was a strange day. Bob had to meet with the realtor for a final walk through. For whatever reason, we didn't know about this until the day before. We altered our plans to include this, which made things really rushed.

When we went to pick up the uhaul, I got a nasty surprise. My license was expired. Not just recently expired, but January expired. Shit. I honestly had no idea. The lady was nice enough to ignore it. Bob is really twitchy in the morning, so she must have figured that I was better to drive it.

My mother in law was a gem that day. She wound really tightly and she's very nervous. We don't always get along but we really bonded that day. She even bought us lunch.

At about 2 pm we hear sirens. We all run outside, and holy moly, there's an actual fire. Billowing smoke, firefighters hooking hoses up to hydrants, the whole nine yards. A 14 year old boy was left in charge of four younger siblings, all boys, and somehow the fire started. It was insane. No one was hurt, but it broke my heart to see a firefighter carrying out a sooty kitty.

So we are now slowly getting settled in. Hooray for a home that is ours!



Blogger Wide Lawns said...

Ohhh! A sooty kitty! Was it ok? Were the firemen hot? Mostly was the kitty ok? I love that the fireman saved a kitty.

8:37 PM EST  
Blogger Heather said...

The kitty was ok, just sooty. My little town has an awesome fire department. Mostly volunteer and yes, mostly hot. Our cops are pretty hot, too.

Let me geek out for a minute, oh, my god!!! Subservient No More read my blog! Thanks!

8:56 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hee hee. Heather geeked out. I was on the phone with you when you read that...and you really did geek out.

6:11 PM EST  
Blogger Heather said...

yeah, i'm a geek. i can't help it.

7:42 PM EST  

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